
Implementation in Greece
Within the framework of the ATHLISI project and following the two trainings that took place in Megara on September 2017, IRODOROS supported the practical implementation that was realized at the Fight Club Eleusis on October 6thn 2017.
Training in Greece
Within the framework of the ATHLISIS project, IRODOROS organized two training sessions addressed to sports clubs coaches/trainers of youth and physical education teachers.
Training in Cyprus
The training took place at the Makario Athletic stadium, in Nicosia and lasted 4 afternoons within September 2017. Eurosuccess was responsible for the recruitement and organization of the training sessions.
Training in Italy
he training in Italy took place during June and July 2017 and was organized by CESIE. There were 7 coaches involved specialized in different sports (basket, taekwondo, volley and football) working in the area of Palermo.
Training in Slovenia
The training took place in Velenje (both the classroom and the gym of the school) in October of 2017. It was organized by APGA. There were 15 participants, 10 female and 5 male. There were three sessions. In the first session there was the presenation of the project and psychology, pedagogy and sport management. In the second session there was an emphasis on social skills, interculturality, social inclusion and physical activiity. And finally at the third session there was the practical part with demonstrations and exercises.
Implementation in Malta
The implementation in Malta took place in October 2017 and involves 20 children. The group of children ranged from 8 years old to 14 years old and about half of the group consisted of girls.
Implementation in Cyprus
In Octover 2017, Eurosuccess organized the implementation event in Cyprus. It took place at the training centre of Doxa F.C. in Nicosia. 8 coaches were involved who had more than five years experience in training and coaching. The number of children was 13, boys from 12 to 17 years old with financial and educational difficultues.
Implementation in Italy
The implementation event in Italy took place in September, 2017 at the San Basilio gym in Kalsa Square in Palermo. There were five coaches and fifteen children (male and female ages 8-13) that took part at the event. Coaches were representatives of local sport clubs with experiences in working with children in different sports like volleyball, football and taekwondo.
Training in Malta
The training in Malta took place at Paragon Europe office and was implemented by Catalina Stancu. The participation to the workshops was free of charge. The participants were 12 (6 males and 6 females) and the sports that were represented were handball, athletics and rowing.
Implementation in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria, Association Footura participated in Football tournament, prepared together with FC Orlovec Sofia – including children from the periphery areas of the city – Kokaliane, Pancharevo, German and Kremikovtzi.
1st Transnational Meeting in Cyprus
The kick-off meeting of the ATHLISI project was organized in Nicosia, Cyprus in the 26th and 27th of September 2016. During this meeting, the partners from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Malta and Bulgaria had the chance to present and discuss the results of their research and design the structure of the training material that is going to be developed. The project is coordinated by Irodoros, the legal personality of the Municipality of Megara in charge of social solidarity and sport.
Final Conference in Megara
The final conference of the European project ATHLISI was organised in the room of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Megara. The final conference was initiated by the mayor of Megara, Mr. Grigoris Stamoulis who welcomed the foreign participants and made a brief historical presentation of the municipality. The aim of the final conference was the presentation and dissemination of the project's results, the sensitization of the stakeholders, the communication and exchange of views of the sports stakeholders (coaches and representatives of sport clubs) in relation with the contribution of sports to attract children from minority social groups and facilitate their integration in the activities of sport clubs promoting the social inclusion in cooperation with the local communities.